How To Be Patient with Yourself & Others in A Changing World
Whether we’re feeling the pressure of this fast-paced society or the added pressure we put on ourselves, it isn’t often enough that we extend ourselves the compassion and empathy we need as human beings.
Not only is it hard to remain patient with ourselves, but with those around us. We live on a planet filled with people with different personalities, beliefs, opinions, and life situations. And as we grow and change, so do the people around us, but we don’t all grow in the same direction – and certainly not at the same pace.
We feel trapped between the push and pull of life, wanting to evolve and change but feeling held back by those who seem content to remain stagnant. Some of us even have a knack for trapping ourselves, putting ourselves in a box, and self-criticizing over our normal human emotions and flaws.
Here are some little practical changes you can make in your life that will help you build patience and navigate life with greater peace.
Cultivate More Awareness.
If you find that you are feeling out of tune with the world – in any way, shape, or form – it’s time to tune into yourself.
The first step to patience is awareness of our actions, behaviors, and reactions. Suppose you’re feeling frustrated or angry with yourself or someone else, pause. Take a moment to check in with yourself; ask yourself what you’re feeling and why. Show yourself some compassion and understanding and realize that you’re not the only one struggling.
Through awareness of our own needs and emotions, we can find perspective. Once we do, extending kindness and patience to others becomes second nature.
Slow Down.
One of the most significant changes you can make is reducing the amount of multitasking in your life. Or maybe for you, the issue is having too many unrealistic goals. In either case, trying to get several things done at once or live up to impossible standards only pulls you farther away from patience.
When you multitask, you increase your stress and frustration and decrease the quality of your work and attention span. You also fail to commit yourself fully to your current activities or responsibilities. You will never give another person patience if you aren’t willing to give it to yourself first.
Be A Role Model.
It can sound a little preachy but think about it – as human beings, we become like those we spend time with. If you surround yourself with negative or stressed people all the time, chances are you’ll start feeling exactly how they do. Rather than waiting for them to make changes, offer your support and encouragement, knowing that it’s out of your hands. Keep focusing on yourself no matter what.
The same goes for your behavior and attitude: if you expect people around you to be patient with you or remain calm in a situation, it’s up to you to set a good example. When you get mad or frustrated, make sure you’re the first one to take a deep breath and count to ten before reacting.
Go With the Flow.
Finally, know that no matter how many good habits you try to build or how much structure you try to create, much of what happens in life will always be out of your control.
On the days where things don’t go according to plan or something happens that threatens your peace and happiness, allow yourself to feel frustrated, but don’t let it ruin the rest of your day.
How can you do this? By going with the flow. See life for what it is: perfectly imperfect yet filled with purpose. Appreciate each thing that happens, making each situation an opportunity for learning and growth. Challenge yourself to extend patience to others as you allow patience to shape who you are. As author Joyce Meyer once wrote, “Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.”
It is never easy navigating a changing world, but if we’re patient with each other and trust that everything will work out, then we’ll always find peace on the other side of it!